Originally delivered on 3/3/2025 7:08 pm

SUBJECT: Eastshore PTA 2024-25 Newsletter #12

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Eastshore PTA 2024-25 Newsletter #12 - March 4, 2025

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This newsletter covers Dolphin Dash, ACE Classes, Book Fair, Pancake Breakfast, Yearbook Deadline, Lunch Time Activities and more!

Dolphin Dash Success!! Thank you!

Thank you to all the supporters of Eastshore's Dolphin Dash! Your generosity and enthusiasm made it a huge success! Your contributions help fund classroom resources, enrichment programs, and community events that benefit every student. Through your support, the Dolphins ride the W.A.V.E. together! 

Congrats to all our class winners! PTA will be in touch soon to coordinate your prize parties! 

Don't forget to upload your pictures on our Yearbook's Treering site. (PassCode=1015983843093429). You can also view photos there as well! 

After School ACE Classes! Deadline Mar. 17

Sign up HERE!

Parent volunteers are needed as ACE Monitors to help with class check-in and dismissal. Volunteer ACE Monitors receive discounted tuition on ACE classes. For more information, click here.

Book Fair Coming to Eastshore March 24-28!

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Eastshore soon! Book Fair will be held in the library and students will visit during class. It will also be open after school and during Parent Lunch on Friday, March 28! A sign up genius for volunteers will be circulated soon. 

Looking for Pancake Breakfast Flippers and Volunteers!

Come and support Eastshore’s beloved Pancake and PJs Breakfast on 4/23/25. The event is free for students, families, teachers, and staff. We need parent support to make this event fun and successful. We are looking for at least 24 parents to volunteer and sign up to set up, flip pancakes, direct traffic, and cleanup between 5:45am to 8:30am. Click on this link or scan the QR code in the flyer attached. Questions? Contact Charlene.

Pictures from last year's event can be found here.

Yearbook's Customized Pages Due Apr. 4th

There's still time to order an Eastshore Yearbook! (PassCode=1015983843093429)

If you have ordered one, make sure to take advantage of your two free customized pages by April 4th. Pages can be edited and photos can be uploaded directly on the Treering site. Questions? Please contact Susan O.

Lunch Time Activities - More MARCH Dates Added!

PTA sponsors weekly lunchtime activities that are open to all Eastshore students in grades 1-6. We would love parents to come assist on various days. Sign up Here.

Meet IUSD Board Members on March 20 at Eastshore!

Join us for an important PTA meeting with school board members to discuss key issues affecting our students and school community. Don’t miss this opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and stay informed about decisions that impact your child’s education!

In-person is encouraged to provide a good audience, but zoom will be available. (Agenda)

At this important meeting, the PTA will also be voting on this Executive Board slate for the 2025-2026 year:

President: Marianne Stewart
Executive Vice President: Jane Bon
Recording Secretary: Brooke Tawanna
Treasurer: Doris Nguyen
Financial Secretary: Katie Boyer
Historian: Rhonda Weaver

Zoom Meeting ID: 434 764 2253; Passcode: 155155.


Join Our PTA Team!

Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form Here!

Contact Jane at president@eastshorepta.com for any questions about volunteering. Training and guidance will be provided for all positions.

PTA Perks
Shop at Ralphs, Support Eastshore

Visit Ralphs today to make this selection. Here are the steps: 1) Log into My Account. 2) Click on Community Contributions. 3) Type in and Choose Eastshore Elementary PTA. Thank you for your support! 

Don't Miss Out

Check out the PTA's website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date information this school year. Visit our Linktree for easy links to sign ups. 

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 5
Minimum Day
Thursday, March 6
7:00p PTA Exec Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 12
Minimum Day
Wednesday, March 19
Minimum Day
Thursday, March 20
PTA Meeting @6:30pm in MPR
Monday, March 24
Book Fair
Tuesday, March 25
Book Fair
Wednesday, March 26
Book Fair
Minimum Day
Any questions? Email president@eastshorepta.com.
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